Aliso Viejo, California, March 28, 2016 – Ringler, the largest structured settlement firm in the nation, is pleased to announce the opening of a new office in South Carolina. Dennis English, a Ringler founder and former Chairman, is returning to Charleston to head the new office, which will be located in the suburb of Mt. Pleasant.
Dennis English
English began his career in southern California before moving to New York City and later to Charleston. After a solid career in claims litigation management, he formed his own structured settlement firm, which he merged with Ringler in 1987. In addition to serving as a consultant to numerous litigants, English worked on several well-known cases, including the $333 million dollar settlement in the groundwater contamination case made famous by the movie Erin Brockovich as well as the Swiss Air litigation. English served as the manager of the Ringler Eastern Division and Chairman of the Board before he eventually moved back to California.
English is strongly motivated to provide financial security for injured persons and their families, while assuring that their monies are protected in accordance with their needs and wishes.
English can be contacted at:
Ringler Associates
3125 Linksland Road
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466
Cell 843-329-9818
Office 843-972-8604