"As a claims professional for almost 20 years, a Structured Settlement broker for over 25 years and a parent, I understand the needs of most of my claimants and enjoy working with them to tailor an annuity that fits their future financial needs. This creates a Win-Win situation for both my client (a closed file) and the annuitant (future financial security)."
Cyrus Mackinney joined Ringler in 2017 after Ringler purchased Galaher Settlements and Insurance Services, Inc. Cy has worked within the Structured Settlement industry for over 45 years both as a broker (27 years) and a Claims Adjuster and Litigation Manager (18 years), using annuities to help close files, reduce litigation costs and save carriers indemnity dollars. Plaintiffs benefit by receiving guaranteed, tax free dollars over the course of their life expectancy.
Cyrus is married with one child. He enjoys coaching his son’s sporting endeavors and traveling.
To refer a case to Cyrus Mackinney, CSSC, please fill out the form below. Please be sure to include all pertinent information. Cyrus will get back to you shortly.